Are Drinking Water Myths Making Us Sick?

Are Drinking Water Myths Making Us Sick?

Access to germ-free and unpolluted water has always been important.  Most people know that.People know, for example, that contagious, microorganism-induced diseases were often the main cause of death before the 1900s.  They also probably know that water...
The Number One Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

The Number One Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Everything we do stems from our belief systems. Your self-image is responsible for all that you do. Take a step back and think about how you feel about yourself and then take note of...
Five Qualities Men Find Irresistible in a Woman

Five Qualities Men Find Irresistible in a Woman

If you asked one hundred men what they look for in a woman, you may get one hundred different answers. Some men like blondes. Some like brunettes. Some like tall, willowy women. Others like...
Eat Nuts and Seeds for a Longer, Healthier Life

Eat Nuts and Seeds for a Longer, Healthier Life

Did you know that there is an association between eating nuts and seeds and living a longer, healthier life? It’s true. Still, I find people who shy away from eating nuts and seeds because...
Tips to Sleep Soundly By

The Dreaded Sleep Thief: Tips to Sleep Soundly By

It's more than a myth that the ability to sleep long and deep decreases with age. Our get up-and-go seems to have gone. Yet, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. Indeed, sleep is...
10 Surprising Healing Benefits of Lemons

10 Surprising Healing Benefits of Lemons

Although it is well known that lemons are good for one's health, there are many benefits which are only now being recognized and taken advantage of.  Because of its high level of ascorbic acid...
Healthy Foods That Are Easy to Grow Anywhere

Healthy Foods That Are Easy to Grow Anywhere

Growing a full, fruitful garden can take immense time and dedication. Not to mention, it can take years of practice to understand what types of plants are best in each climate, when to plant...
10 Things That Age People Faster

10 Things That Age People Faster

While it is normal for people to age as they get older, it is not normal to be the victim of premature aging.  This can happen when people are (because of bad decisions or through harmful...
How To Relieve Stress and Improve Relaxation

How To Relieve Stress and Improve Relaxation

Life can be stressful—that’s just, well, life. The key to living a healthy, stress-free life is to learn how to manage stress and find ways to let it go.In 2015, Popular Science magazine noted...
Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?

Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?

You parted ways amicably. Your partner broke it off, but claims he still loves you and wants to stay friends. You don’t see why that couldn’t work – after all, this is the person who...
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