10 Surprising Healing Benefits of Lemons

10 Surprising Healing Benefits of Lemons

though it is well known that lemons are good for one's health, there are many benefits which are only now being recognized and taken advantage of.  Because of its high level of ascorbic acid...
I’m That Person Meditating at the Office, and Here’s Why I’ll Never Stop

I’m That Person Meditating at the Office, and Here’s Why I’ll Never Stop

The workplace hippie. The "overly" health conscious individual. The granola. The mediation junkie. These are all phrases I’ve heard being thrown around at work to describe those free-thinkers who aren’t quite content enough with...
Staying Healthy in Turbulent Times

Staying Healthy in Turbulent Times

Where are we to turn in this most turbulent world? Everyday it seems we are made aware that anger and violence toward others is increasing. Where is our ability to remain healthy in such...
Five Qualities Men Find Irresistible in a Woman

Five Qualities Men Find Irresistible in a Woman

If you asked one hundred men what they look for in a woman, you may get one hundred different answers. Some men like blondes. Some like brunettes. Some like tall, willowy women. Others like...
Eat Nuts and Seeds for a Longer, Healthier Life

Eat Nuts and Seeds for a Longer, Healthier Life

Did you know that there is an association between eating nuts and seeds and living a longer, healthier life? It’s true. Still, I find people who shy away from eating nuts and seeds because...
Health Risks Associated With Grocery Stores

Hidden Dangers: Health Risks Associated With Grocery Stores

As a preface to what you’re about to read, the intent of this article is not to make you paranoid. The purpose is to create awareness!Public places can often times be much more contaminated...
Feeding the Mind: Nutrition and Depression

Feeding the Mind: Nutrition and Depression

Depression is the most prevalent of all the emotional disorders. Symptoms may vary from feelings of minor sadness to sheer misery and dejection. When sadness persists and impairs daily life, it maybe an indication...
Fitness After 50

Fitness After 50

Many women, especially those over the age of fifty, believe that fitness just isn’t for them. I’ve heard so many of my aging loved ones say that they are simply “too old” to get...
10 Surprising Healing Benefits of Lemons

10 Surprising Healing Benefits of Lemons

Although it is well known that lemons are good for one's health, there are many benefits which are only now being recognized and taken advantage of.  Because of its high level of ascorbic acid...
Are Drinking Water Myths Making Us Sick?

Are Drinking Water Myths Making Us Sick?

Access to germ-free and unpolluted water has always been important.  Most people know that.People know, for example, that contagious, microorganism-induced diseases were often the main cause of death before the 1900s.  They also probably know that water...
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